Nowadays, our world could be doomed if not for volunteers and foundations. Let’s consider the power of volunteerism and foundations and find out why they…
Why Is Environmental Volunteering so Popular?
When most people think of environmental volunteering, they usually imagine massive cleanups and tree plantings. But these are just a few of the many ways…
How Do Volunteers Help Addicts Quit Playing at POLI Online Casino in Australia?
Gambling addiction is a serious issue that affects individuals worldwide, including those who frequent Australian online casinos.In Australia, POLI casinos are popular online gambling platforms.…
Volunteering in the Galapagos: How to Become One
The Galapagos Islands, including Bartolomé Galapagos Island, are a unique and beautiful ecosystem that have fascinated scientists and tourists for generations. However, with increased tourism…
Become a member of the School of Volunteers and Foundations
This is an open educational platform that will help expand understanding of the volunteer movement and its role in positive change in different areas of public life
It is a group ministry
Volunteer service to people cannot be done by just anyone, outside of any rules. More often than not, volunteer groups with service responsibilities interact with agencies and directly with the beneficiaries.
Understanding People
It is important to understand people’s motivation, their resources (time, emotional, material) and their areas of responsibility.
Welcome to our corner of the world
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pastrami prosciutto fatback short ribs swine ham beef ribs kielbasa hamburger. Beef ribs flank pork loin shoulder, salami turkey bresaola. Rump…
It’s a mutual openness
The topic of openness and honesty is the most significant for the initial stage of volunteer service, when the future volunteer and the volunteer organization first get to know each other.